NVIDIA: Adoption of SPARK Ushers in a New Era in Security-Critical Software Development

NVIDIA: Adoption of SPARK Ushers in a New Era in Security-Critical Software Development

What's Inside

This case study will examine:

  • The challenges faced by companies like your own in confronting increasingly hostile cybersecurity environments and how NVIDIA is tackling this to overcome a scarcity in expert software security resources

  • Learn why NVIDIA made the “heretical” decision to abandon C/C++ and adopt SPARK as its coding language of choice for security-critical software and firmware components and the impact this had

  • The advantages of using the SPARK for security- and safety-critical coding applications

  • How NVIDIA's tried and tested approach to ramping up their use of SPARK for critical component development can help your business

  • The benefits NVIDIA has gained through their adoption of SPARK

  • Why many of NVIDIA’s early SPARK skeptics have now become SPARK evangelists

  • NVIDIA’s recommendations for would-be SPARK adopters

  • See first-hand how you can adopt SPARK to establish and demonstrate assurance against cyberattacks and critical system failures

And more…

Learn how NVIDIA tackled cybersecurity challenges by switching from C/C++ to SPARK, enhancing software security and reliability. This case study offers actionable insights for adopting SPARK to strengthen your defenses against cyber threats.

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NVIDIA Corporation is among the world's most trusted names in graphics processing units, embedded systems, high-performance computing, and artificial intelligence. Their GPUs and other systems are found in millions of products worldwide.

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Confront an increasingly hostile threat environment for embedded systems by finding a more measurable solution for verifying system security and safety in their critical software and firmware components.

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Replace critical firmware and software components written in C/C++ with new components written in SPARK, the software language designed for embedded systems where predictable and highly reliable operation is essential.

Results and Benefits Icon

Results and Benefits

NVIDIA is now using SPARK to mathematically guarantee—and demonstrate to customers and regulators—a total absence of runtime errors in its most critical components and of unspecified behaviors in its root-of-trust applications. SPARK thus provides NVIDIA and its customers the highest possible assurance against cyberattacks and critical systems failures.

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Read more information about how SPARK has helped NVIDIA guarantee assurance against cyberattacks and system failures > >