Reflections on industrial use of Frama-C

Joe Kiniry and Daniel Zimmerman - Galois

We reflect upon the use of Frama-C across multiple projects at Galois focused on mission-critical systems. In particular, we will focus on the opportunities and challenges in using several Frama-C plugins as compared to comparable tools for other platforms and programming languages.  Topics we intend to cover include specification language expressiveness, tool robustness, assurance case strength, multi-tool coherence, and usability and comprehensibility by non-expert clients.

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About Joe Kiniry

Joe Kiniry is a Principal Scientist at Galois and the Principled CEO and Chief Scientist of Free & Fair.  Prior to Galois he was on the faculty of several universities in Europe.  His PhD is from Caltech.

About Daniel Zimmerman

Dan Zimmerman is a Principal Researcher at Galois and a Principled Computer Scientist at Free & Fair.  Prior to Galois he was on the faculty of two universities in the USA.  His PhD is from Caltech.