GNAT Tracker 4.0 User Guide

This document will provide instructions and information on how to use GNATtracker 4.0 - the latest version of AdaCore’s customer interface for downloading the GNAT Pro technology, communicating with our expert support team, and managing your customer account.

Connecting to GNAT Tracker

To connect to the portal, please use the following URL:

Your user name on this portal is the email address that you have communicated to AdaCore when opening your account - the same address as you used in the previous version of the portal, if you were an existing customer.

The first time you connect to the portal, you will have to set your password, this is done by clicking on the Forgot Password ? link.


The GNAT Tracker main page

Once you’re connected to the portal, you have access to the main page.

If your address is associated with more than one account with AdaCore: you can select the account you want to work with in the top right corner.

The landing page displays:
  • A brief description of the subscriptions for your account

  • Tiles for quick access to portal activities

  • Additional information such as the AdaCore blog, online courses, upcoming events and the latest news from AdaCore.


The main page

Creating cases

Cases are the way to contact AdaCore support.

  • If you belong to more than one account: when creating a case, make sure you have the right account selected.

  • To create a case, click on the tile “Create A New Case” on the main page. Alternatively, you can also use the menu at the top right of any page. There are different types of cases, depending on your request:

    • Technical request: any request related to a technical issue (e.g. bug report, enhancement request)

    • Account management request: request related to account information (e.g. ask for updates to account contacts, questions on product access, subscription renewal). These are available if you are listed as an administrator for your AdaCore account.


The Case type selection

  • First, identify the software for which you have the request

    • Component: drop down list populated from your subscription information

    • Platform: drop down list populated from your subscription information

    • Version: free field to indicate the version

  • Optionally, you can provide some additional information:

    • Priority: 1 - Low, 2 - Moderate, 3 - High

    • Category: Bug, Enhancement Request, Query (default)

  • You then describe your request

    • Subject: a quick description of the request

    • Message: a more detailed description of the request

    • Add Attachments: upload files on the case

  • You can also add other information

    • Copy to: add the list of recipients who should be added to this case’s “Watch List”, which is the list of recipients who will get an email copy of all messages exchanged on this case.

    • Customer use: fill this with your internal reference identifier, if any.

  • When done, click on Submit.


The Case creation form

It is also possible to create a case through email. For that, send an email to with your account number #xxxx in the subject.

Viewing Cases

To view the list of cases, click on “Cases”, or use the menu at the top right of the page. Four lists are available:

  • Open: cases currently being handled by AdaCore.

  • Action needed: cases for which AdaCore is waiting for more information from you.

  • Closed: the list of closed cases.

  • All: all the cases for the selected account.


The Cases Lists

Viewing an individual case

From the cases list, you can access the detailed information for a case by clicking on the corresponding line.

  • You then have access to the case information: number, priority, category, account, state

  • You also have access to the history of discussions and you can respond there by adding comments.


Viewing one Case

  • In addition, you can manage the case’s watch list (list of people who receive a copy of all messages exchanged on the case) by clicking on the “Watch List” tab. From there, you can add or remove users from the watch list.


Managing the case’s watch list.

  • Similarly, you can access the case’s attachments through the “Attachments” tab. This tab will give you access to all attachments for the current case and also allows you to add new attachments.


Managing the case’s attachments.


Four kinds of downloads are accessible from the tiles of the main page, or from the menu at the top right of the page:

  • Release downloads: the official AdaCore releases.

  • Continuous release downloads: intermediate releases available throughout the year.

  • Sustained downloads (for accounts with an Assurance subscription)

  • Wavefronts: packages delivered only to your account, in response to a particular case.

From the Release download page:

  • Select the platform and the release you want to download

  • Expand the component you want to download, and click on the file.



Other information

You also have access to documentation and sustained known problems (for accounts with an Assurance subscription) using the tiles on the main page or the menu at the top right of any page.



Subscription information

By clicking on the subscription information on the main page, you have access to detailed account information:

  • The list of subscriptions, with expiration dates.

  • The list of people who can connect to the portal for your account.


Subscription Information


Subscription Details

Users with the “Administrator” permission also have the ability to manage the list of users, which includes adding new users, modifying the information and permissions of existing users, and deleting users.

To create new users, clicking on the “New User” button at the bottom of the “Account Information” page (shown above). This will take you to a form you can use to create new users:


New User creation form

Once filled out, click on “Create” for the new user to be created. The new user can then use the Forgot Password ? link as described above to connect to the portal.

To edit the profile of an existing user, start from the “Account Information” page again, and this time, click on the user itself. This will take you to the following page:


Edit or delete a user

Once the needed changes are made, simply click on “Save”.

The procedure to delete a an inactive user is the same as the procedure for editing a user, except that you need to click on the “Remove User” button instead.