Gem #80: Speedy Shift and Rotate in SPARK

by Rod Chapman —Altran

Let's get started…


Ada 95 brought us the predefined package Interfaces, with its standard definitions for types like Unsigned_32 and so on. It also defines various functions to do common shift and rotate operations on those types, such as:

   function Shift_Left
     (Value  : Unsigned_32;
      Amount : Natural) return Unsigned_32;

In GNAT Pro, these function declarations are also followed by a curious-looking pragma:

   pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left);

The Ada 95 RM (6.3.1) says:

'The intrinsic calling convention represents subprograms that are "built in" to the compiler.'

This basically means that the code generator "knows" how to implement these functions. In the case of shifts and rotates, this means that a call to one of these functions results in very few (possibly just one) machine instructions -- giving the performance you'd expect from such a simple operation.

Shifts and rotates are useful in a wide variety of applications, but are endemic in cryptographic algorithms, where they appear all over the place.

So how can we get at them in SPARK?

Unfortunately, the standard specification of package Interfaces is not legal SPARK, since the various shift and rotate functions are overloaded for each of the modular types, and overloading within a scope is not allowed. Darn...

To get round this, we first introduce a "shadow" specification of Interfaces that supplies the legal SPARK bits that we're interested in -- specifically the type declarations, thus:

   package Interfaces is
      type Unsigned_8  is mod 2**8;
      type Unsigned_16 is mod 2**16;
      type Unsigned_32 is mod 2**32;
      type Unsigned_64 is mod 2**64;
   end Interfaces;

This is legal SPARK, and goes in a file called interfaces.shs. We then use the Examiner's index-file mechanism to make sure that the Examiner sees this version of the package specification.

To get at the shift and rotate functions, we need to introduce a new package that "de-overloads" the names. Let's call this package "SR" -- this is also a "shadow", so it goes in sr.shs or a similar file. It looks like this:

   with Interfaces;
   --# inherit Interfaces;
   package SR is

      function Rotate_Left_16
        (Value  : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
         Amount : Natural) return Interfaces.Unsigned_16;

      function Rotate_Left_32
        (Value  : Interfaces.Unsigned_32;
         Amount : Natural) return Interfaces.Unsigned_32;

      -- ...and so on for all required functions...
   end SR;

Note how we removed the overloading of the function names.

OK... so how do we glue package SR to the predefined intrinsic functions in package Interfaces?

It's tempting to just implement the body of SR (in Ada, not SPARK) to "call through" to the appropriate function in Interfaces, but this might involve the overhead of a full-blown function call/return sequence, losing all that juicy performance that the intrinsic functions give us. We could try using pragma Inline to get rid of that overhead, but, as car salesmen say, "your mileage may vary" with that idea.

Fortunately, there is a way out that preserves the efficiency of the intrinsic version. Remember that the specification of SR above is a shadow? We supply the following slightly different version to the compiler in

   with Interfaces;
   package SR is

      function Rotate_Left_16
        (Value  : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
         Amount : Natural) return Interfaces.Unsigned_16 renames Interfaces.Rotate_Left;

      function Rotate_Left_32
        (Value  : Interfaces.Unsigned_32;
         Amount : Natural) return Interfaces.Unsigned_32 renames Interfaces.Rotate_Left;

      -- ...and so on
   end SR;

The renaming here ensures that our SPARK-friendly "un-overloaded" functions are synonymous with the intrinsic "built in" functions, getting us the best of both worlds -- the type safety of SPARK, with the efficiency of intrinsic machine code!

About the Author

Rod Chapman is a Principal Engineer with Altran, specializing in the design and implementation of safety and security-critical systems. He currently leads the development of the SPARK language and its associated analysis tools.

Rod is a well-known conference speaker and has presented papers, tutorials, and workshops at many international events including STC, NSA HCSS, SIGAda, Ada-Europe and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress. In addition to SPARK, Rod has been the key contributor to many of Altran's major projects such as SHOLIS, MULTOS CA, Tokeneer and Software verification tools. He received a MEng in Computer Systems and Software Engineering and a DPhil in Computer Science from the University of York, England, in 1991 and 1995 respectively. He is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of the British Computer Society, and also an SEI-Certified PSP Instructor.